May 16, 2024
Estimated Read Time: 5 min.

Highlighting Cancer Research Month: Why Should Non-Medical Industries Support Cancer Research?

It is sobering to learn that 40% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and it is estimated that more than two million people in the United States will receive a new cancer diagnosis in 2024. Cancer Research Month provides a thoughtful opportunity for us to consider the importance of scientific investigation that furthers our understanding of this wide-reaching disease, leads to new and better treatments, and improves and extends the lives of millions. 

Without putting aside these major considerations, most corporations do not have a direct connection to cancer research work, either within their industry or as a core part of their organization’s mission or primary goals. While many factors influence any entity’s decisions to make investments or give back by building a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, cancer research makes particular sense for many interested companies that have relevant connections – regardless of their industry.


  1. Connection to Community

For most companies, giving starts at home. Almost without exception, each city is connected to the national and global effort to learn about cancer and discover better treatments through research. Look at the Miami Dolphins. They began a cancer challenge 14 years ago to honor a former player which has become a community-wide effort, and the NFL’s largest fundraiser. Working with local healthcare partner Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Dolphins Cancer Challenge raised over $12 million by uniting over 6,000 participants from 370 organizations and businesses in their community. The Challenge also provided opportunities for team building and increased morale across the Dolphins’ organization, eliciting participation from their office team, field staff, coaches, players and the C-suite.


  1. Multiplying your Impact

Every business understands the importance of impact, and the focus we place on growing each dollar we commit. Private sector backing of cancer research provides a unique advantage to donors, allowing them to show exponential growth. Unrestricted funds allow universities and scientists to explore the newest theories and discoveries to unlock the latest treatments. They can use these proofs to secure many times the initial funding from government and foundation sources to further research their initial findings. An excellent example is found with our client, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation, an organization committed to providing information, support, and research around one of the rarest types of breast cancer. In a partnership with the American Association of Cancer Research, and were ultimately able to turn more than $1 million of funding into $25 million in research initiatives around triple negative breast cancer.


  1. Connection to Your Team

As noted earlier, there are too many personal connections to cancer through family, friends, and of course, team members. Sometimes, this is one of the most meaningful and unifying ways to support co-workers in their own battle with cancer or memorialize those who have defined a business or organization. In 2024, Carrabba’s Italian Grill launched its “Trios for a Cure” percentage of purchase campaign to benefit the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation in honor of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Day on March 3. Two members of its marketing department were personally impacted by the disease – Marketing Manager Amanda Hopper, who was diagnosed with TNBC in 2023, and Head of Marketing Bronze Major, who lost a relative to TNBC. In addition to donating a percentage of purchases, Carrabba’s also committed to a donation match and several of their locations across the country hosted meet-ups for survivors of triple negative breast cancer. Ultimately, the campaign raised $36,000! Efforts like this bring teams together, provide an outlet to show support and take action, and create a unique and personal form of corporate social responsibility that shows your organization’s commitment to an important issue, and your workforce.


If your organization is interested in setting up a corporate social responsibility campaign in honor of Cancer Research Month—or any upcoming national day or holiday—our team of experts at Strat Labs can help! Contact us today:

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